Blog Pribadi || Zahrotul Hidayah

Zahrotul Hidayah

I'm an Informatics Engineering Student at PENS

About Me

Hello Everyone !!!

I'm an Informatics Engineering student at the Electronic Engeneering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya. I have the ability to write essays. I able to create creative and innovative products. I have entrepreneurial skills. I have high enthusiasm and dedication in learning. I have great motivation to gain and learn new knowledge, especially in the field of Informatics Engineering. I also like challenges and new things. Apart from that, I am responsible, easy to socialize and can work in a team.

Full Name
: Zahrotul Hidayah
Date of birth
: 01 Juli 2003
: Islam
: Female
: Babat, Lamongan, Jawa Timur

Tugas 1 Membuat BLOG Pribadi

Cara Membuat Blog Pribadi Dengan Hosting PENS JOSS

  1. 1. Masuk di web hosting PENS di dan Login dengan akun PENS

  2. 2. Maka muncul tampilan dari web hosting seperti ini

  3. 3. Setelah itu upload folder atau file html kalian

  4. 4. Tunggu proses upload folder file selesai

  5. 5. Lalu buka hosting kalian dan lihat hasil akhirnya, jika tidak eror maka akan menampilkan sesuai folder yang kalian upload

Tugas 2 PPT Dampak Internet Dalam Sektor Pariwisata

Berikut merupakan tampilan slideshow nya

Noted: Click titik 3 agar bisa menampilkan noted power point

Tugas 3 Looping Menggunakan Javascript

Berikut merupakan tampilan pdfnya

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